Arts and prints


Observe. Understand. Create. And iterate…


Because really…

We didn’t understand that well in the first place.


User Experience is about the experience - not only online, but as a general principle. I think Don Norman said something about that.

UX is about what keeps you from being frustrated, what keeps you happy, what allows you to be on time, what allows you to feel good, confident, rewarded… How do you keep doing the same tasks correctly? How do you not feel trapped in repetitive tasks? How do you make the most of your tools? How do you use a new system without feeling lost in a maze? Or feeling foolish for having gotten lost?

We are all different in the way we see or organise things, in the way we face situations.

The infinite array of behaviours is unguessable. Trying to do so would be often wrong or misplaced, maybe even disrespectful.

Listening and observing, without prejudice, without expectations is how I come up with my user experiences.

UX takes time, compassion and empathy, with a great dose of pragmatism and enthusiasm. I strive to take that time to learn, to broaden my mind, my understanding, to include those who need to be included, to improve what needs to be improved the right way.

I am nice, enthusiastic, with a real passion for the people. I love looking, thinking, trying and generally trying again (who actually succeeds on the first try?). I’m also good at initiative taking and deadlines. I’m generally merry and way too happy to help.




All rights reserved on all art and content of this site. CC BY-NC-ND